Related Safety Initiatives
An t-eolas is déanaí
Teanga: Níl leagan Gaeilge den mhír seo ar fáil.
An t-eolas is déanaí
Teanga: Níl leagan Gaeilge den mhír seo ar fáil.
Community Safety > Related Safety Initiatives
The Community Safety Innovation Fund uses money seized as the proceeds of crime to support and develop local projects to improve community safety. The initial outlay of the fund in 2022 is €2 million across 22 projects with grants ranging from €20,000 to €150,000.
Grants were awarded to organisations or community groups that have innovative proposals to improve community safety and have not been able to access other sources of funding.
A further €3 million in funding has been secured under Budget 2023.
As a response to the challenges experienced by the community in Drogheda resulting from the activities of organised crime gangs in 2020, the Minister for Justice commissioned a Community Safety and Wellbeing scoping report.
The scoping report comprehensively addressed the challenges and needs experienced by communities in Drogheda and identified opportunities to connect, support and strengthen services in the area.
The Department of Justice engaged with relevant Government Departments and agencies and Louth County Council to develop an action plan. The Drogheda Implementation Board was established and is the core driver and implementer of change associated with the implementation of the recommendations of the report.
Recent Highlights
The Youth Diversion Programme aims to redirect young people who have become involved in crime or anti-social behaviour through a network of 106 Youth Diversion Projects throughout the state. These YDPs support over 4,000 young people who have been identified as ‘at risk’ by trying to divert them from the criminal justice system.
The Expert Forum on Anti-Social Behaviour focuses on developing measures to counteract the negative impact of ASB on community morale and quality of life.
Within this two sub groups were set up to counteract knife crime and the misuse of scramblers and quad bikes.
- Knife Crime subgroup
The knife crime subgroup is assessing available evidence to inform both legislation and community safety policies, programmes and practices. There are no quick fix solutions and the Department’s main focus is on pursuing actions that have the best chance of success.
- Misuse of scramblers and quadbikes subgroup
Arising from the work of the subgroup on the misuse of scramblers and quadbikes, funding of almost €200,000 is being provided to eight community-based projects to work with young people involved in the anti-social use of scramblers and quad bikes and related crime.
The Rural Safety Plan 2022-2024 was launched this year to support the work of the National Rural Safety Forum and ensure people in rural communities are safe and feel safe. It identified five key areas to focus on – Community Safety, Burglary and Theft, Roads Policing, Animal Crime and Heritage Crime.