eInvoicing Framework
An t-eolas is déanaí
Teanga: Níl leagan Gaeilge den mhír seo ar fáil.
An t-eolas is déanaí
Teanga: Níl leagan Gaeilge den mhír seo ar fáil.
Multi Supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of PEPPOL networking and eInvoicing Systems and Services to the Irish Public Sector
Supported by eInvoicing Ireland and its sector partners, the OGP earlier this year the established a Multi Supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of PEPPOL networking and eInvoicing Systems and Services to the Irish Public Sector. This Framework provides Irish public sector bodies with the services and solutions they need to reach compliance with the European Directive 2014/55/EU on eInvoicing, inclusive of the European Standard EN-16931 on eInvoicing and to adhere to the national approach on eInvoicing in Ireland.
While the model for eInvoicing in Ireland is based on the Build-to-Share Government approach, with shared services and co-ordinating body facilities providing eInvoicing compliance for sections of the public sector, there are also a wide range of public bodies that will fall outside a shared service or co-ordinating body facility prior to the timelines. The Framework has been developed in recognition of the public sector landscape in Ireland and aims to;
The Framework has therefore been designed with multiple lots, in order to address the differing needs of the respective shared service/ co-ordinating body facilities as well as individual public bodies.
For anyone looking to access the OGP eInvoicing Framework, please log onto www.ogp.gov.ie and the Buyer zone and select/ search as follows:
Category: Managed Services
Keyword: ‘PEPPOL’ or ‘eInvoicing systems’
OGP clients’ must register to gain access to the Buyer zone available to all public service buyers accessing live contracts/frameworks.
(1) A co-ordinating body facility refers to a set of managed administrative and/ or IT services for invoice processing that are co-ordinated at a commercial and/ or operational level by a particular body on behalf of a group of bodies, typically within a common segment of the public sector (e.g. The LGMA provides co-ordinating body facilities in relation to local and regional authorities).