A guide to updating Who Does What
An t-eolas is déanaí
Teanga: Níl leagan Gaeilge den mhír seo ar fáil.
An t-eolas is déanaí
Teanga: Níl leagan Gaeilge den mhír seo ar fáil.
This is a guide to updating the new version of Who Does What for use by content managers and HR staff who have CMS access for this purpose. It covers style, images, layout and common issues.
On the content.gov.ie search page, type in "who does what".
All of the language used on Who Does What should follow the gov.ie style guide which covers spelling and grammar. This can be accessed at the gov.ie Style Guide page.
Common style errors to note
Department: only capped when used as part of a title, such as 'Department of Transport'.
Roles/grades/job titles/unit or division names: Use title case (Secretary General; Principal Officer; Head of Commerce).
Bios describe a person. Roles describe jobs. The biography should ideally not contain a detailed description of the person's role. If the bio contains the name of the person's current role, note that this will need to be changed every time that person moves on to another role. This is not ideal: a clean, easily moveable bio is preferable.
Using the 'Create Item' function, select 'Biographies' from the Item Type dropdown list. Select Create.
The Title field should contain only the name of the person.
The Content field should contain any further details specific to the person, such as education, professional background and if supplied, some other personal information.
At the bottom of the main text, include the email in this format:
Email: name.name@department.gov.ie
Biographies, once created, are then attached to roles from the role page (see below).
Spellings of names
The spellings of all names should be checked with HR or with the person themselves. Where more than one person exists with the same first name and surname in any single publisher (department or agency), please ensure that you have attached the correct bio to the role.
Using the 'Create Item' function, select 'Roles' from the Item Type dropdown list. Select Create. The Title field should contain the name of the role, written in title case. The role name should give the grade first, and then their unit, where applicable. For example: "Principal Officer, Human Resources Division".
The Content field should contain a description of the responsibilities attached to the role. It should never reference the current role-holder by name. This is to allow for the bio of any new role-holder to be attached to the role without the need to edit the role.
Before you create or update an image
Before creating a new image for a person's bio, please check that their image is not already in the system by searching for the name. If their image, or a dummy image exists, and you need to update it with a new one, replace it on the existing page - do not create a whole new image.
If the person's image does not exist, you can create a new image.
Using the 'Create Item' function, select 'Images' from the Item Types dropdown list. Select Create.
The Title field should contain the name of the person, written in title case. The image can be uploaded here, and it should fit the 5:3 designated size and should be no heavier than 500kB in size.
The Summary field can be filled out to contain the words "Image of [name of person]" - this also serves as an alt text.
Once an image is created and you need to attach it to a bio, navigate to the person's bio and attach it under the 'Profile Picture' heading.
Finally, a dummy image has been uploaded into the system for each department and agency, which can be used instead of a person's headshot wherever necessary.
If a member of staff is seconded to another department, you should include this detail in brackets in their Role title. An example of a seconded role would read like this:
Senior Engineer (Seconded to the Department of Transport)
Always say the person is seconded 'to' the relevant department, never seconded 'from' their original department.
If a person is 'acting' - that is, temporarily assigned to a role - the name of the role to which they are attached should be reworded to include this. An example is "Acting Senior Engineer". The role name should then be reworded when its holder is no longer 'acting'. The wording "Acting Senior Engineer" is preferable to "Senior Engineer (acting)".
Each WDW page should be laid out as follows, below. Note that in the example below, the Indented Biography markdown is used to show third-tier staff who report to a second-tier or 'Direct Report' person. This is the gov.ie way of representing what used to be displayed as a 'tree' of bios on the old Who Does What website.
H2 heading: Secretary General
Insert biography here
H2 heading: Assistant Secretary, Unit Name
Insert biography here
H3 heading: Direct reports
Insert biography here
Insert [indented_biography xxx (and close with square bracket)
Insert [indented_biography xxx
Insert [indented_biography xxx
Insert biography here
Insert biography here
If you need to add people, remove people or move them around within your organisation, it is not enough to just change their roles; you need to manually update the org chart itself.
Save and preview to check it's correct, then close.
If you have any questions that are not covered here, or encounter technical difficulties, please send an email to the Design and Content team at Content@DSU.cloud.gov.ie
If you are outside of government networks, please email content@per.gov.ie