Foghlaim na Luath-Óige agus Cúram Leanaí
Ó An Roinn Leanaí, Comhionannais, Míchumais, Lánpháirtíochta agus Óige
An t-eolas is déanaí
Ó An Roinn Leanaí, Comhionannais, Míchumais, Lánpháirtíochta agus Óige
An t-eolas is déanaí
From child development to childcare to encouraging a home learning environment, there are many aspects of your child’s early years learning and care that you may have questions about. Below you will find a range of resources to help answer those questions.
The Public Service Card establishes and fully authenticates your identity assisting you in accessing a range of public services in an easy and safe manner.
CCCs are located nationwide and support and assist families with childcare matters. You can find your local CCC here.
The National Childcare Scheme provides financial support for childcare through universal and income-related subsidies, for children up to the age of 15. You can apply online at
The ECCE programme is a universal two-year preschool programme available to all children within the eligible age range. The programme is provided for three hours per day, five days per week over 38 weeks per year (from September to June).
AIM is a model of supports designed to ensure that children with disabilities can access the ECCE programme. AIM is a child-centred model, providing levels of progressive support based on the needs of the child and the preschool setting. Learn more at
The NCCA has produced a number of resources that contains suggestions and practical examples of how parents can support their children's learning and development in the early years. provides information and advice on child health and development in the early years.
Is é súgradh teanga na leanaí, is trí shúgradh a fhoghlaimíonn siad faoi agus a idirghníomhaíonn siad leis an domhan.
Is feachtas bliantúil Rialtais é Seo Linn ag Súgradh in Éirinn atá deartha chun aird gach duine, idir óg agus aosta, a tharraingt ar an tábhacht bhunúsach a bhaineann le súgradh. Tá acmhainní súgartha le fáil ag
Tá sraith bileog leideanna forbartha ag An Chéad 5 chun leanaí agus a dteaghlaigh a spreagadh, a mhúscailt agus tacú leo a bheith ag súgradh agus ag foghlaim le chéile. Tá na bileoga leideanna seo le fáil agéad5.
Tá bileoga leideanna maidir le súgradh do naíonáin agus leanaí óga le fáil i 7 dteanga.
Clúdaítear na haoisraonta seo a leanas:
Tá tuilleadh eolais le fáil ón gComhairle Náisiúnta Curaclaim agus Measúnachta (NCCA).
Tairgeann Oifig na nOibreacha Poiblí cead isteach SAOR IN AISCE do chuairteoirí aonair agus do theaghlaigh ar an gcéad Chéadaoin gach mí ag suíomhanna rannpháirteacha. Tá eolas maidir leis na háiteanna difriúla ar féidir leat cuairt a thabhairt orthu le fáil anseo.