Briefing on the government's response to COVID-19 - Friday 23 April 2021
An t-eolas is déanaí
Teanga: Níl leagan Gaeilge den mhír seo ar fáil.
An t-eolas is déanaí
Teanga: Níl leagan Gaeilge den mhír seo ar fáil.
Delivered by Elizabeth Canavan, Assistant Secretary General, Department of the Taoiseach
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Good morning,
I want to start today to say a huge thank you to everyone for everything you are doing to help us stay safe – whether it’s the big ways – avoiding social events and visits to your home or continuing to work from home – or the little ways, wearing a mask, staying two metres apart. It is working and it is making a difference.
I think we are all agreed that this last period has felt like the hardest yards of the past 13 months. Of course, it is in part because these restrictions have gone on so long but also, we feel the end is in sight. I know for most of us, it feels like we are on a marathon and maybe we have hit that wall. But it is in moments like this we need that surge of energy that comes with realising we're almost at the end.
So, it’s important to keep a few things in mind to get us through this next few weeks:
First: we have been on an improving trajectory with the virus – we all saw the case increase yesterday which the CMO will be watching carefully, but all in all, our efforts to date have really paid off. The incidence rate of the virus has fallen, as have the numbers of people in hospital and admissions to ICU has stabilised. We are seeing an ongoing improvement in incidence across all age groups compared to where we found ourselves just two weeks ago.
Second of all: we are getting the vaccine rolled out to our most vulnerable citizens. The vaccine has already had a significant impact on our healthcare workers, residents in nursing homes and increasingly in the 80 plus age group, and hopefully in the coming weeks we will see further improvement in other groups too as they are fully vaccinated.
Third: we have stayed on track so far with the planned easing of restrictions – we haven’t had to stall or double back. There are more changes commencing on Monday and next week the government will consider what is possible for May and beyond.
At the same time, we have to stay vigilant. We need a bit more time to make sure that those who are most vulnerable are fully vaccinated and a higher proportion of the broader population is vaccinated. And, in the meantime, we need to maintain the positive trend we have seen generally with the virus in the past months.
What we are doing is working.
So, we can afford to be cautiously optimistic. We should be able to look forward to a further relaxation of restrictions over the coming months.
But (and I know you say, there is always a but….) we still have to “go easy” for the next while.
The careful and staggered relaxing of restrictions has to be at just the right pace so we don’t get ahead of ourselves - where the disease incidence and the protection the vaccine brings are not in balance. Arguably, this is the trickiest moment and we don’t want to misstep now.
You know the measures by now. They may sound simple, but they work:
As I say, throughout April, it has been possible to gradually ease restrictions and this continues on Monday next 26 April with a welcome return to a number of activities.
Outdoor sports facilities can reopen. This is great news for people who have been waiting for a long time to get back on a tennis court or to have a round of golf with a friend. Outdoor visitor attractions can also reopen, such as zoos and pet farms. Underage non-contact outdoor training in pods of 15 or fewer can also resume.
Finally, from Monday, maximum attendance at funerals will increase to 25 on compassionate grounds. However, gatherings should not take place before or after funeral services. We have always acknowledged throughout the pandemic that restrictions are particularly difficult for those who are bereaved, and make a tough time even tougher. However, we are asking people to continue to follow the guidance here. There are other ways to pay respects and show support to those who are bereaved.
If we can continue the progress we have been making, we can look forward to the continued easing of restrictions through May and June. The government will make further decisions on this next week.
The vaccine programme is a key enabler to the reopening of society and the economy, and is well underway with 1.3 million vaccines administered – 24.5% of the eligible population has received the first dose and 10% have received the second dose.
Administration of the vaccine is well advanced in a number of groups, including residents (aged over 65) and staff of Long-Term Residential Care Facilities, Front Line Healthcare Workers and those aged 70 and over. Roll out continues to progress through those at very high-risk from COVID-19.
The programme continues to prioritise those who are at most risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19, always following expert medical guidance and optimising the supply of the vaccines currently available. Over the past week, the programme has once again demonstrated its ability to react quickly to changes in both vaccine supply and advice, and will continue to do so over the coming months.
The infrastructure to support broader vaccination has now been mobilised, including the online registration system and the use of designated vaccination centres. This infrastructure will continue to scale up in the coming months, to optimise vaccination in line with that supply.
From today, people in the 60-64 year old age bracket are invited to register online for their vaccine. Last week, the online system opened to 65-69 year olds and has seen over 150,000 people register, some of which have already received their first dose of the vaccine. The addition of a new grouping signals the ramping up of the vaccine programme and is a very welcome development. It’s important to remember that if you are over 70, or at high risk, or concerned that you haven’t gotten an invite yet for vaccine– don’t be worried that other groups are being invited to register online, we are getting to everyone and your time isn’t far off.
For more information on registering go to
Another innovation over the last few weeks have been the Walk- in test centres. These are proving very effective in curbing the spread of COVID-19 in communities around the country.
These centres have been established in areas where case numbers are high and open every day from 11am-7pm for those over the age of 16, who have no symptoms and who haven’t had COVID-19 in the last 6 months. You will only need to provide photo ID and a mobile phone number to get tested.
To date, over 36,500 people attended a centre, 3% of all the tests were positive. Finding asymptomatic positive cases is crucial in stopping COVID-19. It allows people who would otherwise not have realised they had COVID-19 to take the necessary actions to protect those around them.
Some areas returned positivity rates which were very high in comparison to the overall figure. These areas include Dublin 8, Coolock and Mulhuddart. If you live near one of these centres, please do avail of them. We need to be mindful that COVID-19 is spreading still in our communities and we may be going about our daily routines not realising we could be carrying it and further spreading this deadly virus to our families, friends and vulnerable members of the community.
A list of current centres operating is available at
Wave 6 of SAM, the Social Activity Measure we have been conducting with the ESRI, has been published this morning – you can read the latest findings on This week’s report shows that while there has been an increase in activity, this activity has largely been taking place outdoors. As you all know, when it comes to COVID-19 outdoors is far safer. So keep doing what you are doing – when planning your day’s activities – think safe, think outdoors.
Indeed, there are many encouraging findings in Wave 6. SAM also finds that close contacts have not increased despite the increase in activity. I think that means that people understand, more and more, how easily this virus spreads – especially the new variant. But, no doubt, this is also an extraordinary demonstration of the social solidarity that has been such a feature of how we as a nation have responded to this challenge. It shows the value that we place on protecting the most vulnerable in our communities.
As SAM has also shown, we have certainly been fed up with restrictions but we have not allowed that to detract from our determination to protect our families and communities.
SAM also finds there is a strong willingness to receive the vaccine, with over 80% of respondents who have not yet received a vaccine intending to take it.
All of this is encouraging as we continue on our path to reopening. However, what we cannot do is get carried away. As I said earlier, we still need to “go easy”, we need to remember that until more of us are vaccinated the risky behaviour most of us have been avoiding still needs to be avoided. Even as restrictions ease, bit by bit, we need to keep our guard up for a little longer, we really will have brighter days ahead.
I wanted to mention public transport this morning because since the return to school and the resumption of some construction activity, we have seen an increased demand for our public transport services.
Our Rail and Luas services in particular have come under significant pressure in recent days.
I want to remind everyone that under Level 5 public transport capacity is still restricted to 25%.
Those needing to travel should only use public transport for necessary journeys and to avoid peak-time travel where possible. People who can work from home should work from home. We continue to encourage people to walk or cycle where possible. Those who have no alternative to public transport should expect their journey to take longer and need to plan ahead accordingly. Drivers and other public transport staff are working in a very challenging environment, and customers should remain respectful of them at all times. Operators are continuing to monitor travel patterns closely and have been responding to increased demand by putting in additional capacity where possible. We must all play our part to ensure that those who need to travel can do so safely.
There are currently 48,900 employers registered with Revenue for the Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme. To date, a total of over €2.8 billion in subsidies has been paid to 48,600 employers. An additional €467 million in employer PRSI has been forgone due to the reduced rate of PRSI on wages paid which are eligible for EWSS.
In addition, to date 22,100 businesses have registered for Covid Restrictions Support Scheme with Revenue.
This week, the Department of Social Protection has issued weekly payments to over 421,000 people in receipt of Pandemic Unemployment Payment. This payment is valued at €125.4 million.
Separately, some 90,346 people received an arrears payment of PUP this week that in total amounts to over €49 million. Approximately 30,000 of these are no longer in receipt PUP and the arrears payments have issued to the nominated financial institutions earlier this week. Anyone expecting an arrears payment should check their Bank account or check with their Post Office where they had been collecting their weekly payment.
The quickest way to make a claim for PUP or to close a claim is to do so online and to log on
We go into another weekend with a lot of reasons to be hopeful and the weather is certainly helping!
The plan is working: we now have less than 200 in hospital with COVID-19, that’s down from a peak of over 2,000 and numbers in intensive care have fallen to approximately 50. We are seeing the vaccination programme reaching many more people, our families, our friends and our neighbours.
Brighter days beckon.
So, let’s tread carefully and remember the ultimate aim.
This weekend, please stick with it. We are getting there!
Stay safe.
Thank you.