Statistical Bulletin 2022/23
Overview of Education 2002 - 2022
Statistical Bulletin – July 2022
Overview of Education 2001 – 2021
Education Indicators for Ireland 2021
A comprehensive set of educational indicators for the Education system in Ireland.
Regional Projections of full-time enrolments Primary and Second Level, 2021 - 2036
This report provides the latest set of projections of full-time enrolment in primary and post-primary schools aided by the Department of Education.
Projections of full time enrolment Primary and Second Level, 2021-2040
This report provides the latest set of projections of full-time enrolment in primary and post-primary schools aided by the Department of Education. This report updates the previous set of projections published in November 2020
Education at a Glance: OECD Indicators 2021 – Briefing Note
Statistical Bulletin 2020/2021
Overview of Education 2000 - 2020 (July 2021)
Developing a Teacher Demand and Supply Model for Ireland 2021-2038: A Technical Report
Published May 2021
Statistical Bulletin Enrolments September 2020 – Preliminary Results (Revised)
This Statistical Bulletin presents first results on enrolments in mainstream primary and post-primary schools on 30th September 2020. The data is preliminary in nature, final data will be published in June 2021.
Retention Rates of Pupils in Second-Level Schools - 2013 Entry Cohort
The 2013 retention rates to the Leaving Certificate are a measure of the percentage of pupils who entered the first year of post-primary schools in 2013 and who sat the Leaving Certificate examination in 2018 or 2019.